Monday, October 1, 2018



Training and development is an essential element of Human Resource Administration and Management (Yahaya 2007 cited in Ampomah 2016). Training has become the most significant part in current business world because training improves the efficiency and the effectiveness of both employees and the organization (RAG Khan, FA, Khan & MA, Khan 2011). This blog provides literature reviews from year 2000 and on, whilst critically evaluating the theory on, Effectiveness of Training and Development.



Armstrong (2001) defines training as a methodical improvement of the knowledge, expertise and attitudes required by an individual to perform effectively a given task or a job (Ganesh & Indradevi 2015). Training is one of the most persistent techniques for improving the productivity of individuals and communicating company objectives to new personnel (Jr, et al. 2003). Hasseling (1971) also defines training as a series of practices or opportunities planned to transform behaviour in order to achieve a given goal (Kulkarni 2013).


Development is the methodical attempt to influence individuals’ knowledge or abilities for purposes of individual growth or future jobs and / or roles (Aguinisi & Kraiger 2009). Gansberghe (2003) defined development as a long-standing procedure planned to improve potential and effectiveness. Development also defined as the expansion and understanding of an individual’s ability, through learning frequently from designed study and experience (Masadeh 2012).


Training is given to an individual when it is required; whereas development is an unending process. Training is mainly targeted on getting the employee to gain knowledge in the modern technology or modern developments in his / her regular working schedule; whereas development is done for the improvement of the individual qualities of an employee (Ahmed & Yohanna 2014).


Effectiveness is described as the capacity of delivering an anticipated result. Effectiveness of training and development can be estimated by normal time taken to identify an issue, achievement rate of a customer engineer, overall efficiency of employees, ROI (Return on Investment), and client fulfillment (Devi & Shaik 2012).


Phillips (1997) has stated that there are numerous paradigms and designs developed to measure Human Resource Development and training effectiveness, but the most recognized paradigm is developed by Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick (1998) recommended that there are four levels of measurement, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme, and they are: emotional reaction, achievement of objectives, behavioural changes and impact on organization (AlYahya & Mat 2013).

Emotional Reaction :

This level measures how the participant of the training programme responded to the training and is imperative to gauge response, since it helps to recognize how well the training was received by the participant. Furthermore, it helps to enhance the training for future participants, including recognizing essential areas or subjects that are omitted from the training (Ikramina & Gustomo 2014). 

Achievement of Objectives (Learning) :

The knowledge gained as a result of attending the training programme is measured in this level. This level measures the results of learning; however it does not measure the result of job performance. The technique for measuring this level’s viability is through “paper pencil-test”. It is not the pre-imperative criteria for behavioural efficiency or change. The response of training assesses at first whether the objective of the training was met by identifying the: knowledge gained after training or how much of learning has actually occurred, how adequately the knowledge is being utilized after a training programme, back support for utilization of knowledge, pertinent substance of the training, participant’s desire from training programme, outcome of overall programme. This level of training assessment of Kirkpatrick paradigm is carried out after three months of training (Rafiq 2015).     

Behavioural Changes :

Behavioural evaluation is focused on monitoring the transformation of employee behaviour after the training at workplace. The assessment criteria for this level is the change in disposition when the employee has been through a training and apply the skills acquired thereof. Hence behavioural evaluation is external in nature (Badu 2013).

Impact on Organization (Results) :

The final level of assessment is to monitor the impact on the Organization or Results (level-4), this alludes to the advantages from the organization’s viewpoint and Kirkpatrick (1994) identified this as the “final results that occurred because the participant attended the training programme’’. The final outcomes are related to cost effectiveness of training or return on investment and include enhanced level of production, improved quality, diminished costs, decreased frequency and / or severity of mishaps, enhanced sales, decreased labour turnover and higher profits. Normally these results are the reason behind attending the training programme. As per Kirkpatrick, when moving from level to level, the assessment procedure turns out to be more troublesome and time consuming, however it gives more vital information (O’Neil, Wainess & Baker 2005).

Methods of Training and Development

On the Job Training Method:

The reason for on-the-job training programme is to furnish employees with task specific skills and abilities necessary for their work territory. The learning and abilities presented during on-the-job training is directed at specific work necessities. Job instruction, Job rotation, Coaching and Apprenticeship training are the general forms of on-the-job training methods. Completely on-the-job training hypothetically does not include any off-the-job training. Job instruction: is a structured approach to training, which needs participants to continue through a sequence of steps in sequential model. Job rotation: is the methodical movement of employees from task to task or from one assignment to another within the company, as a path to obtain a variety of different skills and objectives like; simply staffing jobs, orienting new employees, stopping job monotony and exhaustion, gratifying employees, enhance job improvement, exposing employees to different environments. Coaching:  is the procedure of one to one supervision and coaching of advance knowledge, abilities and job performance. Apprenticeship: is one of the oldest methods of training, where by a master of a craft instill planned, practical instruction on his apprentice over a significant time span (Alipour, Salehi & Shahnavaz 2009).                 

Off the Job Training Method:

Off-the-Job-training, is a type of training session which takes place outside the work place such as at training institutes / centres, where suitable services are given for the participants to be involved in high performance. As per Olakunle and Ehi (2008) the different types of Off-the-Job training methods are: Lecture method: which offers the facility of managing a large group of employees at one time. This method gives a chance to exchange innovative knowledge / ideas and detailed information with the employees, for the purpose of changing their attitudes, value re-orientation and other emotional characteristics which changes the work environment. Conference / Workshop / Seminar / Symposium: will provide employees with interactive sessions and provokes dynamic engagement of all the participants in discussions. Case Study: is mostly used in managerial training. Case study will engage the listing of company issues or the issues currently faced by the company and require suggestions of solutions. Role playing: is a technique of using human collaboration, which involves genuine behaviour in visualized situations. Rao (2010) stated that this technique of training involves action, doing and practice. Programme instruction: in this technique, the relevant matter to be learned is given in a range of cautiously planned sequential units. Vestibule / Simulation training: is a technique where real work situations are imitated in a class room (Nwokocha 2015). 

The Brandix Group is one of the foremost clothing manufacturers in the South Asian region, with a vision to be “The Inspired Solution for Branded Clothing”. Brandix is dedicated to ensuring that all their employees have entrance to learning, development and training opportunities to achieve the knowledge and abilities required to carry out their nominated tasks within the Group.

Constant re-evaluations are carried out to evaluate the level of investment in staff training and development, hence they are able to decide if satisfactory time and resources are being invested in training and determine if the present training and development plan is delivering the expected advantages to both employees and organization.

The efficiency of training programmes are assessed through post-training feedback forms, which are utilized to record the new talents gained, their pertinence to the specific job role and adequacy in the daily application. Brandix has widely categorized their leadership training modules as Executive and Non-Executive.

Figure 1: Performance Outcomes (2014 – 2017)

(Brandix, 2017, p.26)

The Executive leadership training programme is prepared as a collection of robust training units, which allow various Executive-level employees to improve their capability and gain practical and leadership skills. For General Executives, the importance is to develop a set of critical abilities including, communication and negotiation, planning and implementation, strategic thinking and decision making, working under pressure, problem solving, team work and team management.

Staff in departments such as IT, Engineering and Merchandising has access to leadership development programmes in practical experience by attending conferences, workshops, audit and technical trainings.

Non-Executive female employees at Brandix are involved in 65-80 hour programme-based guidance on developing their lives and improving their professional capabilities. After completion of the life-skills programmes, employees are granted the opportunity to take part in improved technical skill training (Brandix 2017).

DISADVANTAGE of Ineffective Training and Development

Birdi (2005) discovered that lack of managerial help or a negative departmental atmosphere could restrict or negatively impact the effectiveness of training by influencing the employee's ability to implement novel ideas gained from training (Punia & Kant 2013).    


The theoretical reviews have revealed that effective training and development plays a major role in the development of an organization. The apparel industry is growing at a very fast pace, the requirement for qualified, technologically savvy professionals to achieve their vision and objectives is a vital component on the progress of this industry and therefore they invest heavily on training and development. The training and development procedure at Brandix Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, with specific data on the level of training provided by them and statistical figures thereto highlight how the Company has been able to reap the benefits of improved levels of performance after training and development. The various types of training programmes have been of great help for the staff at Brandix Lanka, in reinforcing their skills and knowledge. Enhance job capability and stimulate career progression, opportunities of participating in overseas training programmes, yearly employee awards and cash rewards for employees who have excelled in performance, employee development, increase in production and market growth are some of the benefits of training and development at Brandix Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. Therefore considering these benefits, hereby conclude that effective training and development can be recommended to have a positive impact on employee motivation and organizational performance and this will indirectly plays a major role in increasing the growth of the organization.

Aguinis, H & Kraiger, K. (2009) Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams, Organizations,and Society. The Annual Review of Psychology,pp.451-474 [Online].Available at < / / 32283977 / benefits_of_T_D.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires= 1537213665&Signature=XnJ6ZvVPWDjI1a2m9QQkeWn8ul0%3D&response-content-disposition=inline %3B%20filename%3DBenefits_of_Training_and_Development_for.pdf>.[Accessed on 17th September 2018].

Ahmed,I & Yohanna,Y.(2014) Training and Development as a Tool For Enhancing Employee’s Productivity: A Case Study of Ashaka Cement Company, Nigeria Plc. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM),16(5),pp.17-26.

Alipour,M., Salehi,M & Shahnavaz,A.(2009) A Study of on the Job Training Effectiveness: Empirical Evidence of Iran. International Journal of Business and Management,4(11), pp.63-68.

AlYahya, MA & Mat,NB.(2013) Evaluation of Effectiveness of Training and Development:The Kirkpatrick Model. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences,2(11),pp.14-24.

Ampomah,P.(2016) The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Performance in a Private Tertiary Institution in Ghana (Case Study: Pentecost University College (Puc) - Ghana). Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies,3(1), pp.29-33.

Badu,SQ.(2013) The Implementation of Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Model in the Learning of Initial Value and Boundary Condition Problems. International Journal of Learning & Development,3(5),pp.74-88.

Brandix Lanka Limited (2017) Sustainability Report 2015-2017.[Online].Available at:<>. [Accessed on 21 September 2018].

Ganesh,M & Indradevi,R. (2015) Importance and Effectiveness of Training and Development. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,6(1),pp.334-338.


Jehanzeb,K & Bashir,NA.(2013) Training and Development Program and its Benefits to Employee and Organization: A Conceptual Study. European Journal of Business & Management,5(2),pp.243-252.

Jr,WA., Jr,WB., Edens,PS & Bell,ST. (2003) Effectiveness of Training in Organizations:A Meta-Analysis of Design and Evaluation Features. Journal of Applied Psycology,88(2),pp.234-245.

Khan, RAG., Khan, FA & Khan MA. (2011) Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance.Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(7), pp.63-68.

Kulkarni,PP. (2013) A LITERATURE REVIEW ON TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY OF WORK LIFE. Researchers World-Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce, 4(2),pp.136-143.

Masadeh,M.(2012) TRAINING, EDUCATION, DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?'. European Scientific Journal,8(10),pp.62-68.

Nwokocha,I.(2015) The Validity of Effectiveness of Training and Development in Organizations In Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM),17(5), pp.01-08.

Olaniyan, DA & Ojo, LB.(2008) Staff Training and Development: A Vital Tool for Organisational Effectiveness. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(3),pp.326-331.

O'Neil,HF.,Wainess,R & Baker,EL.(2005) Classification of learning outcomes:evidence from the computer games literature.The Curriculum Journal,16(4),pp.455-474.

Punia,BK & Kant,S.(2013) A REVIEW OF FACTORS AFFECTING TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS VIS-À-VIS MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,2(1),pp.151-164.

Rafiq,M.(2015) Training Evaluation in an Organization using Kirkpatrick Model: A Case Study of PIA.Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management,4(3),pp.1-8.

Rama, DV & Shaik,N.(2012) Evaluating training & development effectiveness - A measurement model. Asian Journal of Management Research,2(1),pp.722-735.


  1. Bernadine, As your blog has demonstrated in ‘Methods of Training and Development’, I would like to relate it to Richard (2004) “Managers who take employee development seriously, in contrast, are more likely to attract good people, to produce a workplace with high moral and high standards, and to maintain a spirit of continuous improvement”.

    1. I agree with you Chrystal, according to (Zahra, Iram & Naeem, 2014) most of the business organizations are highly concerned to give their employees proper training right through their career, so that the employees will remain adequately motivated and well focused on their jobs.

  2. Bernadine, from your blog you have clearly shown how this training and development is important for the company as well as the employee. In addition for the training methods, Nassazi (2013) has discussed about the training process which an employee needs to get when he/she joins the organization. Simply it's the orientation. The overview about the job role and the organization structure is explained to the employee in the orientation.

    1. As I agree with your comment Vayanga, (Chen,2010) highlights the fact that orientation programmes are faced with four (04) major challenges. The first challenge is lack of clearly set goals and objective , secondly the delivery of proper and correct details to new candidates, thirdly balancing of the variety of needs of individuals and those of the company, the final challenge is how to reduce the anxiety and stress of new candidates and welcome them to the organization.

  3. Training and development is an essintial for an organization. In your blog the importance of training and development is described appropriately.Also explained how does the training and development is effective industry sector.Mansour (2013)Training is very important for any organization to compete within this challenging and changing world

    1. Certainly agree with your comments Mohan, as in rapidly changing and competitive world, training plays a significant part in the competent and challenging business environment. Training is the nerve that suffices the requirement of fluent and smooth functioning of work, which helps in enhancing the quality of work life of employees and organizational development (Kulkarni, 2013).

  4. Bernadine, you have illustrated effectiveness of T & D in your blog critically. As another aspect, there are certain factors influencing T & D. According to Birdi (2005) there are two factors affecting to the effective training. These are Individual factors and organizational factors. Driskell (2011) stated that way of training conducted, training content and training expertise equally affect the results of training.

    1. Thank you for your comment Samanthi. There are many factors which affect training effectiveness both positively and negatively (Punia & Kant, 2013). According to (Shi & Liu, 2015,p.369) The factors that influence the effect of training transfer have been continuously explored and researched, and the focus of research has gradually been shifted from the factors of the training programme itself to factors outside the training programme. Some of the factors that impact training transfer are Personal Characteristic, Training Climate and Training Design Factors.

  5. Good Read Bernadine.Why T & D is really critical for an organization and what is expected out of it has being elaborated by many authors.According to Zahra et al.(2014,p.60) mainly organizations go for training programs to improve productivity and quality, to increase organizational and employee morale, to motivate employees, to achieve financial gains, for prevention from industrial accidents, to provide wider awareness to employees that leads them to enhance their personal growth,to reduce employees’ turnover intentions, for enhancement of company’s image through conducting ethics
    training and for updating employees skills to align them with company’s goals and objectives.

    1. Thank you for your comment Akila, I am on the same view that Training and Development is a vital aspect in an organization. Most of the companies utilize the strategy of appropriate & effective training by increasing their training budgets to retain and get quality output from the employees (Suhasini* & Suganthalakshmi**,2015).

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your blog is clearly emphasize on importance of training and development and how it will impact on sustainability in an organisation.
    According to (Bentley, 2006) with the influence of training and development it add value to the training process and direct organizations towards the achievement of their strategic objectives. In addition Shen (2005) sees training as a planned activity to improve the current employee situation of work skills and behavior. In the views of Sader-Smith (2006) and Chika et al (2014), training is concerned with a tactical approach to deal on predefined acquisition of knowledge, skills, rules, concepts, or attitude that will result to
    improved performance in an organization.

    1. Thank you Lasitha,I agree with you completely, training and development has been defined in various ways by numerous authors. (Asfaw, Argaw & Bayissa, 2015) says that Training and development are the procedures or methods of investing in employees so that they are equipped to perform well. All these procedures are a part of an entire Human Resource Management approach that will eventually result in employees being motivated to perform their tasks.

  8. @Bernadine P. Karunatillake: L&D in organizations are of utmost importance as it is linked to a company’s overall strategy to win competitive advantage and further reduce the costs of employee turnover in terms of active Employee Engagement. Effective Training plays a role to motivate individuals for better results and bonds them to the organization as source of personal growth and development (Dale Carnegie Associates, 2012).

    1. Agree with you Kasun. The evaluation of training effectiveness is the measurement of development in the employee’s knowledge, skill and behavioural model within the company as a result of training programmes. (Noe & Schmitt, 1986) says that organizations are reluctant to invest in training programmes that are not been sufficiently evaluated in terms of its potential contribution to the organizational strategic goals and mission, and its effectiveness and uses on job to achieve the needed objectives (Alyahya & Mat, 2013).

  9. Bernadine, Good job done. Your blog is clearly mentioned effectiveness of Training and development (T & D). T & D is an educational process in an organization's and employees can learn new information as well as re-learn and reinforce existing knowledge and skills (Long, Kowang, Chin & Hee, 2016). It facilitate to organizations to adapt new technology by increasing employee efficiency (Kennedy, 2009).

    1. Thank you very much Gayanee, yes indeed. Imparting training through use of new technologies and adapting to innovative training methods, like PI (programmed instructions), computer/simulated games, role playing and audio/visual tools are more effective and therefore same being extensively used in current training curriculums. These newer techniques combined with conventional methods i.e. lecturers, conferences, movie/films and case studies provide effective means used for training and education conducted in particular situations (Niazi,2011,p.43).

  10. Bernadine,very structured demonstration about the training and development methods. Out of the points were raised most practical and effective method which I recommend is "on the job training" method.Most of the employees have the privilege of develop them self with their own mistakes and search solutions for such incidence within the organization frame work.

    1. Thank you Shiran, I’m on the same view as you that, on the job training methodology is an effective method when it comes to training and development. (Alipour & Shahnavaz,2009) says that on job training strongly affects on more creativity, achievement of company objectives and improves the quality of work.

      The characteristics of trainees, such as self-efficacy, prior experience with the work and work place characteristics such as managerial support and workload turned out to be the most powerful predictors for training effectiveness. The relatively strong impact of workplace factors on the effects of the training programmes are of course not surprising when On-the-Job training is used as a training method (Klink & Streumer, 2002,p.199).

  11. Training and development plays a key roll in any organization which is keen in their reach for their main objectives in order to sustain within the industry and satisfy their stake holders. The blog successfully explains the topic in a comprehensive manner.

    further, in the current context organizations are more concern of "learning and development' and it has been a vital component in their human recourses management strategy (HRMS) according to Armstrong (2008) a learning culture is essential for the current context for more productivity. this refers to the fact that the individual should develop a learning habit within the culture. since most of the efforts go to a waist and a cost to the organization if the individual shows poor response to learning in most training sessions.

    1. Thank you Chaminda, I agree on your view. Identifying learning and development (L&D) needs, involves the evaluation of employee abilities alongside an understanding of current or probable gaps in knowledge or skills. This analysis can be conducted at the individual, team or organizational level. In any case, the result can identify the suitable learning provisions necessary to enable sustained business performance and should be closely aligned to the entire organization strategy (CIPD, 2017).

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Bernadine, I agree with the content of your blog on effective training and development. According to Boudreau and Ramstad (2005), human capital or the work force is one of the main three domains that the organizations should possess to be succeeful in business and to maintain a competitive advantage. In order to be competitive, organizations should make sure that their workforce continually learns and develops and effective training and development activities allow organizations to adapt, compete, excel, innovate, produce, be safe, improve service, and reach the organizational goals (Patel,2010).

    1. Whilst thanking you, I do agree on your comment Dinuka, most of the organizations provide continuous training on their employees. Bauernschuster, Falck & Heblich (2008) stated that the Companies operating successfully at the technology frontier and innovating constantly should depend on continuous training, which means training is an important aspect for successful innovation.

  14. Hi Bernadine, Your blog is clearly mentioned effectiveness of Training and development. In addition according to the MacKinsey (2006)Improved capabilities, knowledge and skills of the talented workforce proved to be a mojor source of competitive advantage in a global market (McKinsey, 2006). To develop the desired knowledge, skills and capabilities of the employees, to perform well on the job, requires effective training programs that may also effect employee motivation and commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1991). In order to prepare their workers to do their job as desired, organizations provides training as to optimize their employee’s potential. Most of the firms, by applying long term planning, invest in the building new skills by their workforce, enabling them to cope with the uncertain conditions that they may face in future, thus, improving the employee performance through superior level of motivation and commitment. When employees recognizes their organization interest inthem through offering training programs, they in turn apply their best efforts to achieve organizational goals, and show high performance on job.


    1. Thank you for your comment Ajantha, I agree with you completely as a productive work environment will only exist if the employees are trained and motivated.

      Companies mainly go for training sessions to enhance the productivity and the quality, to increase the morale of the organization and employee, to motivate employees, to achieve financial gains, for prevention industrial accidents, to provide wider awareness to employees that leads them to enhance their personal growth, to reduce employees’ turnover intentions, for improvement of company’s image through conducting effective training and upgrading employee skills to align them with organization’s goals and objectives ( Zahra, Iram & Naeem, 2014).

  15. Hi Bernadine,
    You clearly explained main T&D methods. As per Rheja (2015) main out come of T&D is ensure Employee satisfaction.which method of training helps to motivate employee more? is it On the Job method? or Off The Job method?

    1. Thank you for your comment Suresh, in my opinion On-the-Job training is the most effective method when it comes to training and development. Brinkerhoff (2005) says that in order for the training system to add more value to a company it must be elevated to a high status and it must measure its effectiveness? Companies can no longer afford to offer training that has not been evaluated for its contribution to the organization strategic goals and mission and its effectiveness and use on the job to achieve those goals (Mathias, 2013). Furthermore, Evans, (1999) highlights that On-the-Job training plays an important part in the development of organizations, enhancing performance as well as increasing productivity, and ultimately putting companies in the best position to face competition and stay at the top. This means that, there is an important relationship between organizations that train their employees and organizations that do not. Every Organization that is committed to making profits for its owners (shareholders) and providing quality service for its customers and beneficiaries must invest in on the job training for its employees (Jagero, Komba & Mlingi, 2012).

  16. Dear Bernadine, it’s a very useful and informative blog regarding Effective Training and Development.
    I would like further add a comment regarding Employee T & D and its importance to organizations’ success world over. According to (Zahra, Iram and Naeem, 2014) it further mentions that even though the costs of employee training seem to be high, this could be achieved by the organization through proper training and development of employees. Most of the companies are encountered many problems regarding their employees like absenteeism, turnover, lack of commitment, motivation and capabilities, having insufficient knowledge and skills etc. These problems arise because of overall absence of training, ineffective training programs, fail to plan training and develop its model and also fail to implement the model in training programs.

    1. Thank you Ruwini, I completely agree with your view. Training and Development plays a vital role on the betterment of an organization. (Long et al, 2016) mentioned that for effective training and development several factors should be taken into thought such as training cost, training programmes, nature of the training, training policy and training needs have an important positive correlation between training and organization’s productivity, therefore it means that when there is an increase in provision of training activities the organizations will eventually perform better hence the training and development is undeniable and vital HRM procedure on organizational performance.

  17. Hi Bernadine, it is a well demonstration of training and development, also I would like to point out that according to Armstrong (2014) Training and development is one of the critical aspect of building positive physiological contract among the employees. With the increase competition due to technical, environmental and globalization it is important to have competitive advantage which can be generate through training and development (Falola et al., 2014). However according to D L Kirkpatrick and J D Kirkpatrick, (2009) Determining the need, setting objectives, content, selecting the participants, best schedule, facilities, aids and instructor selection, coordinating and evaluation will create an effecting training program to the organization.

    1. Thank you Charith you have highlighted a valid point and no doubt effective training and development programme build up a positive psychological contract among the employees, which motivates them to contribute well towards their organization.

      The main purpose of training is to enhance the knowledge and skills and to change attitudes and behaviour for the purpose of improving employee performance and organizational effectiveness. Training is one of the most potential motivators which can lead to many possible benefits for both employees and the organizations (Alpomah, 2016).

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi Bernadine, its a well structured and detailed article. As you have mentioned, effective training in technical and behavioral aspects gives employees a development opportunity in uplifting their working standards and personal development. According to Brandex Lanka Ltd Sustainability report 2015-2017, the executive leadership training agenda is made up o a range of robust training modules that differential executive level employees to upgrade their competence acquire functional & leadership skills. These training and development strategies made Brandex number one apparel exporters in Sri Lanka continuously 3 years by National Chamber of Commerce.

    1. Thank you very much Darshika for your comment on my blog, absolutely Brandix Lanka (Private) Limited offers its staffs with effective training and development programmes, which helps to keep their employees motivated continuously and that is one the factors for their greater achievements. (Wen-tai, 2006) says that effective training programmes helps in constructing a more conductive learning environment for the workforce and train them to cope with the upcoming challenges more easily and in time. According to (Elnaga & Imran, 2013) effective training is considered to be the main feature for enhanced performance; as it can improve the level of employee and organization competency.

  20. There is no doubt that you covered most of the areas of effective training and development. Somehow, I like to highlight that before we consider the training and development for any organization, we will have to consider the following;

    What are your training goals for this session?

    Who is being trained? (new employees/old employees/ upper management)

    What is your training budget?

    How much time has been allocated for training within your organization?

    What training resources and materials do you have at your disposal?

    Investing in internal training and development is vital for todays market. The growth and development of any organization heavily depend on their employees abilities to gain skills, acquire positive behaviors, retain knowledge and feel empowered to perform their jobs.

    1. I completely agree with your view Udeni, Training and development is an investment done by organizations in employees’ productivity and motivation. However, (Topno, 2012) identifies CIPP Evaluation Model for evaluation of training programmes, this model was developed by Daniel L. Stufflebeam (1983). This model refers to the four phases of evaluation which are : Context evaluation, Input evaluation, Process evaluation and Product evaluation. It is based upon the view that the most important purposes of evaluation is to improve the functioning of a programme

  21. The main purpose of training is to acquire and improve knowledge, skills and attitudes towards work related tasks. Your article relates to all important aspects in T & D and shows signs of good reading material for beginners of HRM.

    Further, T & D is one of the most important potential motivators which can lead to both short-term and long-term benefits for individuals and organizations. There are so many benefits associated with training. Cole (2001) sited in Nassazi (2013) summarizes these benefits as below:
    1) High morale
    2) Lower cost of production
    3) Lower
    4) Change management
    5) Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion;
    6) Help to improve the availability and quality of staff.

    1. Whilst thanking you, I completely agree on the benefits of training and developments highlighted by you Amal, in addition Kumar & Siddika (2017) have said that Companies can develop and enhance the quality of the present employees by offering them comprehensive training and development. The general benefits gained by employee training are :

      1. Increased job satisfaction and morale
      2. Increased motivation
      3. Increased efficiencies in processes
      4. Resulting in financial gain
      5. Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
      6. Increased innovation in strategies and products
      7. Reduce employee turnover

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hi Berni, well done! an amazing creation since you have clearly described the process of T&D on Brandix, It may be a great help to improve other organizations T&D process. I got a nice citation regarding the T&D budget as training and development budget is often the first to go and the last to come back” (Young, 2008).
    All the very best!

    1. Appreciate your comment on my blog and thank you very much Ruwanga, I’m on the same view on the training and development budget.
      However when some organization makes their annual budgets, training is often one of the first areas they target. Nagar (2009) has stated that training budgets are growing at a phenomenal pace as organization use training to build required skills, indoctrinate new employees, transform banking culture, merge new acquisitions into the organization and build multiple skills for radically changing jobs.

  24. Hi Bernadine, In a rapidly ageing society where new technology is a major force in businesses, there is an increasing need to re•skill older workers.(Harrison, 2005).by adding up the employments costs (salaries and related costs) for participating employees offer a total and a cost per learner; adding up the figures in each column establishes the total costs for start-up and for ongoing delivery.(Fee, 2011). where as this might affect larger companies integrating new technology.

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog Sheriff and I do agree with you completely that organizations should re-skill their older workers in this rapidly changing hi-tech world. In addition (Maxwell, 2012) says that the Companies today have realized that, they cannot use traditional training methods if they want to stay more competitive. Because product cycles, competitive intelligence, industry information and corporate strategies are moving and changing much faster than they need to; companies understand that the only way to get knowledge to their employees is through online learning that relies on the internet.

  25. Hi Bernadine , Your blog is well communicated what is the effectiveness of the Training & Development to the organization . Thus Training and development is a concept in management which allow the organizational activity to be aimed directly at performance of individuals, groups and the organization (Landale, 1999). There are three main activities under the guise of training and development which are interlinked – training, education and development. It is not just the role of the employer to identify training and development needs, the employee also needs to be able to identify their role in the organization and how they can effectively develop themselves (Landale, 1999). Van der Bossche et al (2010) acknowledge that due to the rapid advancements in technology and knowledge require the individual to participate in personal and professional development. The development of talent within the organization is necessary for competitive advantage to exist, it is also necessary for the retention of employees. The organization needs to identify talent and to support the individuals through all their training needs

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Sumedha, I thoroughly agree on the point which you have highlighted that development of skills within the organization is necessary for competitive advantage. On the job training is an effective training method to improve the talents of employees. According to (Mania & Waithaka, 2017) indicated that On-the-job training is meant to offer employees with task-specific knowledge and skills in work area. The knowledge and skills presented are openly related to the job requirements. Also (Nassazi,2013) added that Induction programmes are carried out for new entrants on the job to make them familiar with the total corporate requirements like norms, ethics, values, rules and regulations. It involves getting new employees familiarized with and training on a new job within the organization

  26. Bernadine , Well descriptive Blog on EFFECTIVE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT . Main criteria for effectiveness are 1.The programme is based on a thorough evaluation of learning needs. 2.Clear objectives have been set for the outcomes of the programme. 3.Standards are set for the delivery of the programme. 4. Success criteria and methods of measuring success have been established. 5. A blend of learning and development methods are used – informal and formal – that are appropriate for the established needs of those taking part. 6. The outcome of the programme is evaluated (Armstrong and Taylor , 2014) .Accordingly Effective training practices should establish to gain the expected outcome ,benefits from particular training or training programs .On the other hand ineffective Learning and Training processes incur only a cost to the organization .

    1. Thank you Kasun, I completely agree on the areas elaborated by you. However according to (Sandamali, et al, 2018) The company should build a proper and logically substantial mechanism to choose the employees who will definitely participate in training programme. The management need to be established a widely spread evaluation scheme to enhance performance of employees according to the organization objectives. Further, recommend that the companies should offer training programmes based on training needs, which is identified through regular performance appraisal review.

  27. You have hardly left anything more than what you have addressed in the Blog, Bernadine, that reiterates the importance of training and development for any organization to have the skill levels of her employees at the very best in order to bring forth the best outcome. Training and development has an immense effect on the performance and productivity of its employees (Tahir et al, 2014).

    1. Thank you very much for your comment on my blog Saliya and no doubt I agree with you that effective training and development will motivate the employees and will emerge their best knowledge and skills.
      According to (Khan, et al,2016) training and development will lead to higher job satisfaction level in employees and they will fulfil their duties with a great deal of responsibility with best performance.

  28. Magnificent presentation emphasis about leaning and development covering significant areas of the topic concern .
    Further organizational leaning also play a important role of learning ,embrace both adaptive and generative learning. The organizational learning is divided in to two such as single learning and double loop learning. The single loop learning looks for solutions within organization’s policies, plans, values and rules, error and correction process, promotes adaptive learning . The double loop learning closes gap between desired and actual states of affairs by questioning, modifies organization’s policies, plans, values & rules to guide action and promotes generative learning.
    The organizational learning is continual expansion to create desired results, new patterns of thinking are nurtured, collective aspirations is set free, people learn to learn together and new knowledge & capabilities remain even if individuals leave. The organizational learning discipline five disciplines such as systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision and team learning. Also combine to expand its capacity to create its future.

    1. Thank you Shantha for the informative comments on my blog. My topic being Effective Training and Development, I would add that T&D is an important feature in Human Resource Management which will aim to improve employees skills and objectives. (Raheja, 2015) says that Training and Development encompasses three main activities which is Training, Education and Development.

  29. Hi Berny,
    You have clearly illustrated the Importance of Effective Training and Development, If the organizations are not undertaking Training and development or even though they do but if it is ineffective, employee will no longer stay with the organization ,they will leave and go for better opportunities. As per Dunlap,"Training and development program materials should include resources, reference materials, programs, and contacts of people willing to help trainees learn. Before training commences, employers should have materials available and trainers committed to work with the employees. The employer should evaluate trainers and information to create a positive learning experience by surveying participants after program completion and evaluating the results".

  30. Hi Maheshika, thank you for commenting on my blog and well noted your contents. I agree that ineffective training will not only result in employees to leave but it will be a loss to the organization as they have incurred cost on training programmes.

    Training is task-oriented, which means that it focuses on the work performance of workers. in addition, it helps to enhance employees’ job performance. Training is meant to be offered when existing work standards are not remarkable, and there is a lack of skills and poor attitudes of employees (Ukandu & Ukpere, 2013).

  31. Training and development are indispensable strategic tools for effective individual and organisation performance, thus, organisation are spending money on it with confidence that it will earn them a competitive advantage in the world of business.However, for any organisation to achieve its stated goals and objective in this competitive world, adequate and relevance training and development of staff cannot be over emphasized. Organisation are expected to identify training need of its employees and design training programmes that will help to optimally utilize their workforce towards actualization of organisation objective.(Hezekiah F,2014}

    1. With no doubt I agree that training and development is one the key tools in achieving organizational success and corporate development, furthermore adequate and proper training of staff is an important aspect. As per Cascio, analyzing training needs and the tools for measuring the effectiveness are significant and therefore an alignment of planned training objectives of the company is assured. Training Need Analysis (TNA) offer a benchmark (pre-measure) of the skills trainees have before training and the same can be evaluated to measure the skills acquired in training (post-measure),which highlights the cost savings or value additions achieved as a result of training (Cascio,1991 cited in Niazi,2011).

  32. Employee training and development has emerged as a major educational enterprise over the past three decades. This increase is associated with a demand in the workplace for employee at all levels to improve performance in their present jobs to acquire skills and knowledge to do new jobs, and to continue their career progress in a changing world of work (Armstrong, 2001; Craig, 1987)

    1. I agree with your comment Tharindu. Furthermore, (Islam, Javed & Khan, 2014) says that rising competition and globalization means strong competition, which requires skilled and trained staff which should be evenly competitor of large scale firms. Managers need to work with veterans to develop extensive training and development plans to drive the objectives of companies perfectly to save money and work effectively.
